Welcome Eric Fausto

ESC’s CAD department has added a new member, Eric Fausto. He came to be a part of ESC when our company reached out to the Drafting and Design department at Ozark Technical Community College looking for a new design technician. Eric, being familiar with CAD, 3D modeling, laser scanning and also possessing an aptitude and desire to learn, was recommended as the person to talk to about a potential job opportunity. After being exposed to the ESC way and talking with people from our company, Eric shared his thoughts about, at first, finding it strange how much people seemed to care about ESC as a company, but understanding it after realizing just how much ESC cares about our people. It also helped that he is the kind of person who enjoys the promise of a good challenge and the kind of variety that consulting offers to keep his work exciting and fulfilling with each new project that comes across his desk.

Eric started his academic career at Maranatha Baptist University where he was able to pursue a degree in Applied Science and participate in their D3 Soccer athletics program. He finished up his college years here in Springfield at Ozark Technical Community College pursuing their Drafting and Design degree. 

Eric is the second of thirteen children, to a father that migrated to America from the Philippines as a child and met Eric’s mother during his 20 years of serving our country in the Air Force. When Eric manages to find some free time, he enjoys picking up a game of soccer when he can on his indoor soccer league at Lake Country here in Springfield. Having played since he was 9 years old, soccer is one of his favorite hobbies. But when he isn’t running miles back and forth inside, he enjoys music in almost all of the ways possible. Having taken piano lessons as a kid, and since having picked up an aptitude for the guitar and violin, he enjoys playing, composing, and producing music. He is also an avid collector of more instruments than he claims he will ever have time to learn. 

A favorite ESC memory so far, he says was getting wrecked in disc golf by the electrical department claiming that not only does he enjoy working with people here but also hanging out outside of work.

We look forward to having Eric onboard to help bridge the design team and CAD department and further grow ESC’s Building Information Modeling abilities.

Josh Stewart

Josh is the Founder & CEO at Hook Creative.


Welcome Brandon Cotter